How can I help support the development of this game?
Will you change 173's model?
Will the game ever cost money?
Will you ever port SCP: Secret Laboratory to VR, Mobile, MacOS, or Consoles?
Will you keep using the Unity engine for developing SCP: Secret Laboratory?
When will SCP: Secret Laboratory be optimized?
Will you be adding other human factions/Groups of Interest like Serpent's Hand, a Janitor class or the GOC?
I heard about MTF Debuggers being added? Is this true?
Will SCP:SL have a singleplayer campaign, AI controlled enemies, etc?
Will you add Text Chat?
Will you add [Insert CB Mechanic Here]?
Will SCP-049 be able to talk to humans with VC?
Is SCP-049-2 going to stop T-Posing?
Is SCP-106 going to start T-Posing again?
Are you re-adding the fusion weapons?
Will [Insert SCP Here] be added?
How many SCPs are you planning to add?
Will [insert SCP here] be buffed/nerfed?
Does that mean you'll be reworking 914 too?
Who's next to be reworked after 096?
I heard that SCP-457 is planned. Is that true?
What SCPs won’t be added?