Config Remote-Admin Settings
Server Role Permissions
Permissions: The permissions of all the roles. For multiple roles, add a comma and space before the next role (e.x. xxxx, xxx). The list of permissions and formatting is below.
- KickingAndShortTermBanning: [xxxx, xxxxxx, xxx]
- BanningUpToDay: [xxxxxx, xxx]
- LongTermBanning: [xxxxx]
- ForceclassSelf: [xxxx]
- ForceclassToSpectator: [xxxxxx, xxx]
- ForceclassWithoutRestrictions: [xxxxxx, xxxxx, xxx]
- GivingItems: [xxxx, xxx]
- WarheadEvents: [xxxxx]
- RespawnEvents: [xxxxxx, xxxxxx]
- RoundEvents: [xxxxxx]
- SetGroup: [xxxx, xxxxxx, xxx]
- GameplayData: [xxxxxx]
- Overwatch: [xxxxxx]
- FacilityManagement: [xxxx, xxxxxx, xxx]
- PlayersManagement: [xxxx, xxxxxx]
- PermissionsManagement: [xxx]
- Noclip: [xxxx]
B) Miscellaneous Remote Admin Configuration Settings
xxxx_badge: The text displayed in-game for badge of the role specified (i.e. this_badge, moderator_badge, xyz_badge, etc.)
xxxx_color: The color of the specified role's in-game badge. A list of colors can by found in server-faq 12.
xxxx_cover: Whether the specified role's in-game badge covers Global Badges (if applicable).
xxxx_hidden: Whether the the specified role's badge in game is hidden by default.
enable_staff_access: Whether SCP Secret Laboratory Studio Staff and Studio Developers should have Remote Admin access on your server. (Default: false)
enable_manager_access: Whether SCP Secret Laboratory Studio Directors and Managers should have Remote Admin access on your server. (Default: true)
enable_banteam_access: Whether the SCP Secret Laboratory Global Banning Team should have Remote Admin access on your server. This is required to be set to true for your server to be verified and appear within the server list. (Default: true)
override_password: The password used for Remote Admin access without a role set inside config_remoteadmin. Set to none to disable. (Default: none)
override_password_role: The role given upon using the correct override password. (Default: owner)