Config Gameplay Settings

Main Server Settings


server_name: The name of the server. (Default: My Server Name)

serverinfo_pastebin_id: The Pastebin id for the info section of your server ( This supports Unity Rich Text Formatting ( (Default: 7wV681fT)

server_ip: The ip of your server, you can leave it as auto or set it to your external IPv4 address ( (Default: auto)

max_players: The maximum amount of players that can play in your server. (Default: 20)

B) Spawn Settings


minimum_MTF_time_to_spawn: The minimum amount of seconds for a MTF spawn. (Default: 280)

maximum_MTF_time_to_spawn: The maximum amount of seconds for a MTF spawn. (Default: 350)

ci_respawn_percent: The percentage chance that CI will spawn instead of MTF. (Default: 35)

ci_on_start_percent: The percentage chance that CI will spawn on match start. (Default: 10)

team_respawn_queue: The classes able to respawn (Do not change this unless if you know how it works, as it can break MTF and CI respawns). (Default: 40143140314414041340)

contact_email: The email that SCP:SL staff can use to contact you (if need be). This is required for server verification.

C) Pocket Dimension Settings


pd_random_exits: Whether the Pocket Dimension should use random exits instead of SCP-106s spawn room. (Default: false)

pd_exit_count: The amount of exits in the pocket dimension. (Default: 2)

pd_random_exit_rids: The Room IDs that should be used if pd_random_exits is set to true.

pd_random_exit_rids_after_decontamination: The Room IDs that should be used if Light Containment has decontaminated and pd_random_exits is set to true.

pd_refresh_exit: Whether the server should refresh the exit door location(s) after someone escapes the Pocket Dimension. (Default: false)

D) Miscellaneous Gameplay Settings


intercom_cooldown: The amount of time the intercom cannot be activated once used. (Default: 120)

intercom_max_speech_time: Maximum amount of time the intercom can be used before cooldown. (Default: 20)

auto_round_restart_time: Amount of time after end-game for round restart to occur. (Default: 10)

friendly_fire: Whether players of the same class can damage each other. (Default: false)

warhead_tminus_start_duration: Amount of time (seconds) before onsite warhead detonates once activated. (Default: 90)

human_grenade_multiplier: The multiplier of damage grenades do towards human classes. (Default: 0.7)

scp_grenade_multiplier: The multiplier of damage grenades do towards SCPs. (Default: 1)

lock_gates_on_countdown: Whether the entrance and light containment gates lock open during onsite warhead countdown. (Default: true)

server_forced_class: The class forced on match start. Setting this to -1 means the starting class will be random. (Default: -1)

map_seed: The map layout each round. Setting this to -1 means the map will be random each match. (Default: -1)