I've received the message: The ASN you are connecting from is globally blocked or You have been globally banned: Proxy has been detected.
If you have received an error message similar to one of these when joining a server, it means that the ASN you are connecting from has been globally banned. In order to no longer receive this message when connecting to a server, you must meet at least ONE (1) of the following criteria:
For Steam:
1. Level account must not be 0. (Requires a public profile)
2. Your account age must be older than 2 months. (Requires a public profile)
3. You must have had SCP: Secret Laboratory in your steam library for greater than 2 weeks.
4. You must not have a VPN enabled. (or any other IP changing software)
For Discord:
1. Your account must be older than 1 month.
2. You have/had a nitro subscription.
You have been globally banned: Unauthorized. or You have been globally banned: Missing Steam Profile.
If you are receiving this message when connecting to a server, it means that you have not set up your steam profile. Make sure that you have set your profile up correctly.
You have been globally banned: Publisher Ban.
If you are receiving this message, it means that you have been globally banned from the game, and will be unable to play on any public server. If you wish to appeal your ban, please visit this link for more information: